Student Learning and Development

Thinking Caps recognizes any form of learning that takes place in this globalised environment has to be adaptive and effective. Teaching methods that involve solely imparting of knowledge has become obsolete and will not be enough for our students to face future challenges.

The learning and development flowchart will nurture our students academically and holistically and help to transform them into individuals who value learning, communication and personal development. In turn, it will create endless possibilities and opportunities for them to achieve success.


Personalised Coaching with Customised Curriculum

We completely understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when every student has differing learning pace and the order of topics covered across schools are never synchronized. Thinking Caps recognizes that and conducts classes in a small-group setting allowing our coaches to personalise the coaching and customise the curriculum for every student according to the topic that each student is doing and will be doing in their school. There will never be an instance whereby a student is doing topics unrelated to his or her upcoming test or examination. Such customisation in the curriculum allows flexibility and focus for every student to excel in school.


Discovery Learning Framework

Our qualified learning coaches serve as mentors who will guide our students through the curriculum with support and motivate them to adopt proper positive learning attitude. Students will be taught by our coaches to follow the discovery learning method and develop independent learning skills through fun and interesting activities. Along the way throughout the course, basic concepts are frequently revisited as new curriculums are introduced which will help to enhance the learning process. This approach is helpful for students to grasp complex relationships between concepts which will help to enhance the learning process.